On March, 10, 2009, the Center for Career and Community Engagement (3CE) hosted Dr. Phil Gardner from the Collegiate Economic Research Institute at Michigan State University. Dr. Gardner has over a decade of experience researching economic trends and the transition into the workforce from college. He presented to Lewis & Clark students, administrators, students, trustees, and faculty on current economic trends and their impact on the job market for College graduates over the next few years.
With a liberal arts background, Dr. Gardner helped our students understand the competencies they have developed at Lewis & Clark and the importance of these competencies in the job market. His message is summarized in the following abstract of his presentation to students, Make A Successful Transition Even in Troubling Economic Times:
"Unsure how the current economy is going to impact you? While the news looks grim, there are some bright spots in the job market and strategies for success. Dr. Phil Gardner will put the economic trends into context and provide tangible strategies for your success after graduation. He will show you how your liberal arts skills translate into workplace qualifications. All students will benefit from this presentation full of information and resources."
Additionally, Dr. Gardner provided tangible strategies for faculty and administrators to support students with the transition to the workforce.
The essential theory given is respectable. Can't be any better.