We are happy to welcome six new faculty members to Lewis & Clark’s College of Arts & Sciences:
- Christopher Wendt as Assistant Professor of Political Science, with specialization in comparative politics and a focus on European Union countries.
- Éric Tymoigne as Assistant Professor of Economics, with specialization in macroeconomics and international finance. Dr. Tymoigne will teach courses for the Management Concentration in the Economics Department.
- Brian Sebok as Assistant Professor of Communication, with specialization in media studies. Dr. Sebok is also an accomplished filmmaker.
- Bjørn Southard as Assistant Professor of Communication and Director of Forensics, with specialization in rhetoric and debate. Dr. Southard will replace Prof. Steven Hunt as Director of Forensics when he retires in 2010.
- Paul Allen as Assistant Professor of Mathematics, with specialization in applied mathematics and mathematical physics.
- Garrick Imatani as Assistant Professor of Art, with specialization in design and digital media.
Click here for a feature about our new professors on the College’s web site.
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